Breakthrough To People Network
BreakThrough to People Network: Our Trademark is ‘The Business of Salvation’.
• BTPN develops self-sustainable communities of Faith.
• BTPN started in 1992 in the Chernihiv Oblast of Ukraine as a humanitarian ministry to the survivors of the Chernobyl disaster.
• In 1995, BTPN changed to a Business As Mission (BAM) organization in Eastern Europe to help Christians support their own families and churches. During the years, BTPN has experimented with several different ways to do BAM. Originally BTPN started micro-sized businesses and did the necessary training. During this period BTPN established 37 businesses in Ukraine, 9 in Romania, and 3 in Macedonia.
• In 2007, BTPN changed its ministry focus to a training ministry for Christian entrepreneurs in business skills using a ministry mindset.
• Presently, BTPN is researching how to train orphans and recovering addicts in Ukraine in life skills so they can support themselves without being pulled into criminal activity while reaching them with the gospel message.
• BTPN’s primary work has been in Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Latvia, Greece, Norway, Macedonia, Russia& Moldova.
• Dr. Arthur Green acts as the CEO of BTPN. His residence is in Cornwall England.
Bob has taught in seminaries, Bible colleges and mission centers in Ukraine, Russia, Greece and Norway. He started the Bible College in Chernihiv Ukraine. He has pastored churches in the USA for 35 years and is a former Minister of Education at First Baptist Blairsville.
BreakThrough to People Network, Inc.
28 Susie Lane, Blairsville GA 30512
404-775-4010 | Website:
President and Founder: Bob Crowe | BTPN CEO: Dr. Arthur Green (UK)