I'm New

New to First Blairsville? This is the best place to start.

You might be wondering, what's it really like at First Blairsville? Simply stated, we're all about Jesus. You won't be met with shame, guilt, or condemnation. Our church is made up of imperfect people with every kind of story imaginable. Want to know the best part? No matter what you've been through or what questions you might have about God and faith, our church is a place where you'll find the love, grace, and forgiveness Jesus gives to everyone.

Below you'll find some answers to questions we get the most from people interested in being a part of our church family. If there's questions you don't get answered, feel free to reach out to our church office for more information.

What to Expect at First

When and where are the worship services?

At First Blairsville, we have 2 Sunday morning worship gatherings, 9am Blended service and 10:45am Contemporary service. Both services gather in the Worship Center. We have parking both in front and behind the Worship Center, with the main entrance to the Worship Center lobby facing Blue Ridge St under the white columns.

What is a worship service like?

Our two worship services, 9am Blended and 10:45am Contemporary, typically begin with our worship teams leading us in singing with moments of Welcome and How to Connect with First Blairsville as well as a time to give for our members. After worshiping through music, one of our pastors will deliver a teaching from the Bible. The full gathering for both services typically lasts about 70mins total. Check out our Youtube channel for a look at our worship services.

What type of music do you sing?

Both of our services sing songs that are based in scripture, often times singing the same songs on Sundays. During our Blended service, you can usually expect to be led in worship by our orchestra and worship choir during congregational worship, as well as choir and orchestra specials. Our Contemporary service is led in worship by a worship team typically made up of vocalists, keyboards, guitars, and percussion. The goal of both of our worship services is to draw each person closer to God and one another as we celebrate together the change in our lives and grow in our relationship with Christ.

Our Worship page has more details about worship at First Blairsville.

How is the teaching?

At First Blairsville, we’re dedicated to showing how Scripture speaks to your everyday life. Our teaching is expository and Christ-centered, aiming to uncover the truths of the Bible, passage by passage. Each sermon provides practical applications, helping you navigate your daily challenges with biblical wisdom. The Gospel is at the heart of every message, and Jesus is the hero in every story we share. Join us as we explore God’s Word together and experience the transformative power of His love.

What should I wear?

At First Blairsville we believe you should come to God as you are. For some that means wearing jeans and t-shirts, for others that means dresses or coats and dress pants. While we do believe a part of worship is giving our best to God, we also believe that everyone’s “best” varies and we hold to the biblical truth that “man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

What about my kids?

Our vision of helping all people find and follow Jesus together applies to our First B Kids, not just adults. Both Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights, our kids experience safe, age-appropriate environments where they learn about Jesus in a creative and relevant way. The safety and security of your children is extremely important to us. We utilize a detailed check-in system and training of our staff and volunteers to ensure the safety of your children while you worship on Sundays or attend bible studies on Wednesday nights.

Sunday mornings First B Kids offers a place for kids to have a blast at church during each of our worship gatherings for kids ages infant through 5th grade. You can check in your child in the lobby of the Kid’s area next to the Worship Center. You’ll want to plan for about 10 minutes before worship starts to get checked-in on your first visit.

Wednesday nights during the school year, we have Family Meals from 5-5:45pm, then the kids move into the Kids Worship room for music and lessons.

During the summer our kids take a break from the weekly gatherings, but have special events throughout the summer. Check out our Events page to see what First B Kids events are coming up!

For more information on our First B Kids program, check out our Kids page.

What do you have for students?

Sunday mornings we have bible study at 9am for our middle and high students, then they typically worship together during our 2nd worship gathering at 10:45am.

Wednesday nights during the school year our students meet at 6:15pm beginning with group worship before splitting into Middle and High school groups for the night’s lesson, then divide into small groups to finish the night. Students can expect to start the night with our Youth Pastor, Josh Goza, welcoming everyone transitioning into a time of announcements/upcoming events, potentially an engaging game, then we move into worship led by our Student worship team. Afterwards, the students move into teaching time by middle school and high school for a lesson geared towards their age groups. They then finish the night in small groups by grade where our volunteer leadership team lead group discussions to dive deeper into the lesson for that night.

During the summer our students take a break from the weekly gatherings, but have special events throughout the summer. Check out our Events page to see what Student events are coming up!

To learn more about what we have available for your students, check out our Students page.

How do I sign up for things?

It is important to us here at First Blairsville to make signups and gathering information as easy as possible. That’s why we use Church Center as our main hub for communication, registration, and all things Church. If you would like a further breakdown and instructions for downloading Church Center .

What we believe

Here at First Blairsville, our beliefs are rooted in scripture. We believe in family: both the Family of God and our individual families. As a group of believers in Christ, we make up this local family of faith. Our doctrines below tell you what our family of faith at First Blairsville hold to be true in accordance to God's Word.

The Gospel


At its core, the gospel, is a story. It is a story about love, betrayal, and redemption. It is the story of all of history. It is the greatest story ever told. God has been writing this story since the beginning of time and it is a story that we encourage you to explore.

In the beginning, God created this world good and offered us the opportunity to be in right relationship with Him. Genesis 3 tells us that, because of one man’s actions, we can no longer experience this right relationship with God because we are sinners. Instead of being objects of God’s love, we are now objects of His wrath (Ephesians 2:1-3).

There was no way possible for us to earn our way back into God’s favor but God sent his only Son, Jesus, to this earth for our rescue. He lived a perfect, sinless life and offered Himself as a sacrifice for our sin on the cross. Three days later He rose from the grave, victorious over sin and death.

Through Christ, we are offered a new life. Through Him we are given the privilege to have a right relationship with God. This new life is a gift offered to us by God. He invites us to repent of our sin and trust in Christ and what He accomplished on the cross for our salvation. Once we do this, God gives us His Spirit as a helper so that we can live our lives to glorify Him. This is good news! This is the gospel message.

If you are interested in finding out more about Jesus, start with the Bible. We encourage you to begin reading in the book of John. We would also love for you to come join us at First Blairsville on Sunday mornings for one of our worship services. Everything we do is about helping all people find and follow Jesus together.

About the Scriptures

We believe the entire Bible is the inspired Word of God and that men were moved by the Spirit of God to write the very words of Scripture. Therefore, we believe the Bible is without error.

About God

We believe in one God Who exists in three distinct persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe that Jesus Christ is the second person of the Trinity (the Son of God) who became a man to reveal God to humanity and to become the Savior of the lost world. Jesus Christ was fully God and fully man.

About Mankind

We believe that all people were created in the image of God to have fellowship with Him but became alienated from that relationship through sinful disobedience. As a result, people are incapable of having a right relationship with God through their own efforts.

About Salvation

We believe that the blood of Jesus Christ, shed on the cross, provides the sole basis for the forgiveness of sin. We believe that the resurrection of Jesus Christ provides eternal life. Therefore, God freely offers salvation to those who place their faith in the death and resurrection of Christ.

About the Christian Life

We believe all Christians are to live for Christ and not for themselves. By loving obedience to the Word of God and daily yielding to the Spirit of God, every believer should mature and be conformed to the image of Christ.

About the Church

We believe that the church is the body of Christ, of which Jesus Christ is the head. The members of the church are those who have trusted by faith the finished work of Christ. The purpose of the church is to glorify God by loving Him and by making Him known to the lost world.

Our Denomination

We are a Southern Baptist Church and accept The Baptist Faith and Message as our basic doctrinal statement. However, it does not exhaust the extent of our faith. For purposes of church doctrine, practice, policies, procedures, and discipline, our Senior Pastor and Active Deacons are the church’s final interpretive authority on the Bible’s meaning and application.

To find out more about The Baptist Faith and Message, click below.

Let us know you're coming

Ready to check out First Blairsville in person? We can't wait to meet you in person, and want to make your first experience with us as easy as possible. Simply fill out the form below and we'll make sure to give you the VIP treatment upon your first visit.