Women On Mission

A women’s ministry with a passion for missions

July Update - Catie Funk

When Women on Mission met July 8, Catie Funk shared about her four years as a missionary journeyman, serving with WOM Director Nancy Brock and her husband Buddy in western Asia for two years and then in central Asia for 18 months. She shared how God touched her heart for missions as a young girl in Girls in Action and how that passion grew as she matured.


Catie met her husband overseas and over the past 15 years she has spent a decade abroad. From a Louisiana town of 20,000 people, she went overseas to a city of 20 million where she worked with volunteers who came to assist in the missions effort for anywhere from one week to six months. Her sunny Louisiana wardrobe changed from sandals and sundresses to socks and jackets and umbrellas for the months of rain in winter in western Asia.


Her second place of service sent her to a city of just 3.5 million people in central Asia where she performed training and provided aid through a non-governmental organization (NGO), teaching women to sew and how to grow food and handling travel logistics and accommodations for visiting groups. Christian believers in that country rarely get to meet with a group of people, with encounters mostly one-on-one because of trust and security issues, Catie noted. Instead of sharing a Bible, believers would provide a few pages at a time so they could be easily hidden within the house. In this country it was difficult for a foreigner such as herself to disciple a local believer.


Catie and her husband returned to her first country of service – but to a smaller city – after they married and lived there for 6 ½ years. She said their local church – “a very beautiful international community that loved us” – had more of an impact on them than they had on the church, including their support during the process of adopting their daughter which took three years to finalize because the national courts were closed during the covid pandemic.

July Update - Erin Bishop

Also on July 12, Erin Bishop shared about the ongoing ministry in the borough of Queens in New York City. Erin noted that in the Jackson Heights community where they have ministered for 7 ½ years more than 160 languages are spoken. “If you want to see the world, come to Queens!” she said. The goal is to reach this diversified community of Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists for Jesus and the world


Erin, who grew up in First Baptist Blairsville, shared how several people who have come to faith in the Lord have carried their faith back to their home countries where they have started churches.  In Queens, the Bishops use English as a Second Language (ESL) classes, citizenship classes, ESL camps, a Back to School Bash, Chat and Chai Ladies Event, and Kids Camp (Vacation Bible School) in the Park to reach the community. A Good Friday service in their home saw 30-40 people attending, including several people from other religions who wanted to learn about Easter and about Jesus. Many outreach events take place in the community center, which Erin described as “a teeny tiny space that has been an instrument of the Lord.”

Coming In August

Next month Women on Mission will hear from Rhonda Pepper who, along with her husband Robert and their four children, served in Guinea, West Africa, for 25 years. The Peppers served among a people group called the Fulbe Futa. Traditionally nomadic cattle herders, the Fulbe follow Islam and are proud to have spread Islam throughout West Africa. Known to be a group that has enslaved other people groups, the Fulte are distrusted by other native groups, but the Peppers found them to be beautiful people whom God loves and has called many to follow Him. The Peppers retired from the International Mission Board in 2019 to care for Rhonda 's now-deceased parents.


Three of Rhonda’s and Robert 's children are married and are serving or are planning to serve in fulltime Christian ministry. The youngest will be a senior in college this year. They have two granddaughters, ages 1 and 3, who live in Guinea with their parents, who are Bible translators. 


Also in August, WOM will be collecting diapers for the Women's Enrichment Center. Needed are toddler size 4T; 5T girls' pullups; and size 4,5, and 6 diapers.


The Aug. 12 WOM meeting will begin with a covered-dish luncheon at 11:30 a.m. in the Buchanan Hall at First Baptist Blairsville with the speaker’s presentation starting at noon.

Ongoing Activities

In cooperation with the Atlanta Dream Center, WOM are writing messages of encouragement that can be handed out to young women who are being trafficked in Atlanta. WOM also supports Hope House of Union County by collecting personal hygiene items such as shampoo, body wash, deodorant, etc., which are distributed free of charge to Hope House clients. Through offerings collected monthly and budget funding from First Baptist, WOM are supporting the following ministries:

  • Cowboy Church of Jerusalem to purchase food and new boots.
  • Pure Love Pure Water for more filters to be sent to missionaries.
  • The Clarkston After-School Ministry, which provides a meal for the children and to purchase supplies for the children.
  • Missionaries Troy and Jeana Nicholson, whose home in Albania was damaged in a December earthquake.

Who We Are

WOMEN ON MISSION have a passion for missions.  We meet the second Monday of each month at 11:30 in the Buchanan Hall under the Rock Chapel. Each month a special speaker is invited to share with us his/her time of ministry on the field, whether it be overseas or here in the United States. We have heard speakers from Russia, Albania, Turkey, Peru, Honduras, Tanzania, and many other places around the globe, as well as representatives from the ministry to refugees in Clarkston, GA, Out of Darkness Ministry in Atlanta, Voice of the Martyrs, and many other U.S.-based mission groups. We each receive a blessing from hearing the testimonies of these speakers. Often we learn of ways we can be involved in reaching out to the lost through these ministries.

Be a part of WOM

WOM supports a different missionary each year by sending them a monthly love gift. We also save and collect our loose pocket change to provide water filters for missionaries who do not have access to potable water. Periodically, we provide toiletry items which Hope House of Blairsville can share with its clients. As the Lord leads, we engage in projects which help missionaries or reach out to the lost. In all that we do, we aim to bring glory to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

We encourage you to come and join us on the second Monday of any given month. Participation is open to ALL women — young, old, or in between.

If you have questions, feel free to contact Nancy Brock at untilhisreturn@gmail.com or 706-781-6358 for further information.