Serve: Contemporary Worship Choir

Help others find and follow Jesus by being a lead worshipper!

Use the button below to fill out an interest form and ask any questions you may have about being part of the Contemporary Choir.

Ben Haywood - Contemporary Worship & Media Pastor

Contemporary Choir?

For a long time I have been sitting on an idea to introduce a choir in our contemporary worship service on Sunday mornings at First Baptist. To a fault, I have delayed launching something like this because it never seemed that the time was right. However, I would very much like to try something out on Easter Sunday for a few reasons.

First, having a choir join us in leading worship would enhance our team’s ability to make a big deal out of our celebration of Jesus’ resurrection. Second, as our church has embraced this Serve & Invite strategy for Easter, I wanted to give another opportunity for people to serve on Easter. And third, it is entirely possible that we will need some more people to join us on stage and then stay seated up there throughout the service due to higher attendance numbers for Easter and the seating issues this can create.

Now I’d like to explain exactly what my early expectations are for a contemporary service choir. I’d like you to consider that this choir would have some different purposes and goals than what you might initially think. I would like this choir to be less concerned at the beginning with musical excellence, singing multiple parts, and reading sheet music. All good things, however, as of yet not necessary to accomplish what I have in mind.

I’d like to focus on growing a group of people interested in helping lead our congregation to worship through the visual and expressive presence of a choir just as much as the musical side of things. What does this mean? Well, for us right now, it means that everyone is welcome, even someone who doesn’t in any way consider themselves a singer and especially someone who loves to worship expressively. You can invite your family, friends, and anyone you think might be interested.

I would like for this choir to serve as somewhat of a mirror for our congregation to show them a diverse group of people just like them, worshipping in spirit and in truth. This is something that I enjoy in our blended worship service and that I’d like to see us introduce in whatever way possible in the contemporary service.

Please feel free to share the link to this page with anyone else in our church who you think might be interested. I’ve included a place to ask any questions on the interest form that I linked above. Thanks!