Serve: Facilities Ministry

Serve through facilities!

Are you skilled with a broom or a vacuum? Can you wipe dust from a shelf with a rag? Can you slap paint on walls…neatly? Are you one of those people who like everything neat and organized; a place for everything and everything in its place? Can you scale the heights of a 6’ ladder to change a light bulb? Can you swing a hammer without smashing a finger? Can you tell the difference between a nail and a screw? If you can do any of these things, WE NEED YOU on the Facilities Ministry Team. The truth is, we grow as we serve the Lord together and our large facility offers a lot of opportunities to serve and grow. Volunteer as an individual, a couple, or a group. Commit to one day, or to one day a week, or to whatever fits your schedule. If this is a ministry that you feel you can do, please complete the form below and get involved.